What are the Differences Between Lattes and Cappuccinos?

What are the Differences Between Lattes and Cappuccinos?

The strong flavor of espresso is either intriguing or revolting, depending on the person. For those of us that like our caffeine and flavor strong, espresso is the way to go. It’s easy to get confused about the different espresso drinks, such as lattes and cappuccinos. Let’s explore the differences.


Lattes are made of both milk and espresso. When making lattes, any type of milk can be used but it’s typically cow’s milk, whether low fat, non-fat or full fat. It starts with espresso and you use about twice as much milk in it, in comparison to cappuccinos. You heat up the milk to approximately 150 degrees using the steam wand on the machine.

The goal isn’t to froth the milk but a bit of frothing does happen. Pour the espresso and the milk in the cup together. If there is some foam left in the cup, pour that on top. Then add whatever else you like, such as whipped cream or even a sprinkle of cinnamon. Holiday lattes may call for a bit of caramel or chocolate added on top of the whipped cream. Yummy!


The main difference between lattes and cappuccinos is the foam. When making cappuccinos, froth the milk so that it is almost twice the size.  First pour in the shots of espresso. Next, add enough milk, any type of milk, into the cup to fill it approximately two-thirds of the way full. Lastly, layer the on top of the drink. You typically do not put whipped cream on top as it already has foam on it. Cappuccinos are also served in smaller cups.