February 2012

New iPhone App Tracks Your Caffeine Levels

Caffeine Zone lets you measure how much buzz you've got going on throughout the day

Most of us guzzle down coffee, tea, or those unsettling little vitamin shots to get our brain engines revving in the morning. Maybe we even continue to partake in caffeine-related activity throughout the day to keep our energy and attention levels where we feel they should be. But have you ever wished that you could more efficiently manage your intake of your legal stimulant of choice? Like, time your doses just right so that you maintain an optimum level of alertness? Well, now you can. There is, in fact, an app for that. 

Do You Like Fun Flavors in Your Latte?

I’ll admit that I tend to like my espresso drinks a bit plain. In addition to lattes, the most common drink that I order is a triple grande Americano with a splash of half and half in it. When I order lattes, I typically just get a standard latte without any additional flavors. But, when I do get flavors, I don’t really like the typical vanilla or almond, I try to be a bit adventurous.