Is too much Caffeine bad for you?

Is too much Caffeine bad for you?

I love coffee. Coffee absolutely helps me “wake-up” in the morning to start my day. Without my daily “dose” or “cup” of coffee…I will not be a happy woman. I have been drinking coffee for a very long time. I remembered from my first year of college, 3 to 4 cups of coffee really helped me to “cram” in homework and major studying time. There were some classes I “hated” to take, but wanted to learn what they had to offer for my major at that time. Drinking caffeine late at night really helped me “boost” my studying habits along with “excelling” in my tests, quizzes, and finals. But the question is….Is too much caffeine really bad for you?

Caffeine can range from- coffee, red bull, tea, soda, energy drinks, etc. Many of these “tasty” drinks contain very high caffeine that can easily boost and “sky-rocket” your energy level to a “maximum supreme.” The main goal of these “caffeinated” drinks is to have people consume more into their diet to keep them “awake” for long periods of time, and sometimes the results can be “deadly.” I have heard from news reports several months ago involving young teenagers in high school who had consumed so much “energy” drinks to a point where they “drank” themselves to death. How sad is that? Honestly, energy drink companies should feel entirely “ashamed” and be at “fault” for this hideous, disgusting act. Why target young teenagers or individuals to raise their energy drinking consumption? Really? That is not necessary, but a very terrible thing to do.

I have learned that caffeine can be used as a “cardiac stimulant” to help increase urine production. No wonder I always feel the need to “pee” after drinking my favorite latte every single morning. I am very “addicted” to the “sweetness” and “taste” of coffee and will never want to give up on it at all. Coffee is pretty much my “best friend.” It may be sad to some individuals, but imagine how many people consume coffee or caffeinated drinks everyday? Drinking coffee is a “luxury” to me. Without coffee….it would make me very irritable or mad to not have a cup of coffee a day to start my day off. Trust me, it will. I am sure many people can agree with me on this one.

According to CBS News online, over 50% of Americans drink coffee each day. Surprising? More surprising is that…about 330 million cups of coffee are consumed a day by people… us. It’s a crazy percentage number! What are we going to do about this? What will happen? Will people stop drinking coffee and high-caffeinated drinks?

I wasn’t completely surprised by the high percentage numbers of Americans who consume coffee each day. I am actually one of those individuals. I don’t feel ashamed for drinking a cup or two of coffee a day to start my day off. It is kind of like working out at the gym. If you miss a couple days or more, you may get irritated for not getting your work out in as you need to. Same thing with coffee need that extra “boost” of energy to hopefully help you throughout your day. I know for sure that I will not be putting down my coffee cup down any time soon now. Coffee is very addicting…and I love it. So I do not necessarily think that too much “caffeine” is bad for you, it is just how much you “consume” a day that could be at risk for your health.